GERD or gastroesophageal reflux disease is a common gastric disease. To overcome the symptoms of GERD, such as heartburn and heartburn, you can take stomach acid medication. But if there are also no improvements, you can consider GERD operations. The esophagus (esophagus) is an organ in the form of a long channel that connects the oral cavity with the stomach. At the lower end of the esophagus there is a muscle ring (sphincter) which normally only opens when swallowing food. In GERD or commonly referred to as gastric acid disease, this muscle ring is weakened, so that stomach acid and food from the stomach can be pushed or flowed back up. Gastric acid seepage will irritate the walls of the esophagus and cause various stomach acid complaints. In general, symptoms of GERD can be overcome by taking drugs, such as antacids to neutralize stomach acid or proton pump inhibitors to reduce stomach acid production. GERD sufferers are also advised to make lifestyle changes, such as reducing...